Friday, November 4, 2016

Interview with Jasen Wunder, candidate for Congress of the 8th District in MD

Jasen Wunder, Maryland Congressional candidate for the 8th District
DM:  Thank you, Mr. Wunder for getting to speak with the Liberty Chronicle Independent so close to voting day.  You are running for the 8th Congressional District in Maryland.  How would you describe your role and duties as Congressman?

JW:  As a congressman, my job would be to enact legislation that best serves the people in the 8th district. This is best done by keeping Government out of their lives as much as possible.

DM:  Out of all the issues within your position, what is the most important to you and how do you plan on handling it as Congressman.

JW:  Term limits and pay reduction. My first act will be to filler buster the first chance I get until congress enacts a single two year term limit and a pay reduction from $174,000 a year to $56,000. They should only be paid the national median income.

DM:  In your opinion, what truly sets you apart from your opponents?

JW:  I am the only candidate who will lower taxes and expand privacy rights. I am also the only candidate who vows to serve only one single two year term and will only except a lower pay from the $174,000 to $56,000. I also give out my personal cell phone. (410) 916 - 5805 for anyone to call me at anytime.

DM:  What links can you provide such as website or Facebook page that will allow readers to learn more about your platform?


My website:
Personal Cell phone: (I like to give this out) (410) 916 - 5805
DM:  Thank you, Jasen for being able to answer our questions on short notice.  What closing thoughts would you like to add to for readers/voters in regards to gaining your vote come November 8th?
JW:  Thank you for the opportunity. I would like to say we need to start think of the Gov as being our employee and not the reverse. Term limits and a reduction in pay is significant. It is suppose to be public service and not a full time career. Call me anytime with questions or to tell me your ideas to strengthening our country.

This contribution is from Seattle-based independent journalist, David Malekar, Independent Associate Editor for the Liberty Chronicle Independent; who publishes content to the WashCo Chronicle and other online publications.