Allen Mathews "The Voice of Reason" - 2017 City Council candidate for Bremerton, WA |
Allen Mathews is running in 2017 for the city of Bremerton, WA City Council
position 1. You can follow Mathews on Facebook at and visit his website at
DM: City Council candidate for Bremerton, WA is our guest today for an in-depth look at his campaign and plans. Thank you for joining us, Allen Mathews. Let's start off with a quick recap on what has lead you to this 2017 run and how things have been so far?
AM: First and foremost, thank you and the LCI for conducting the interview. What has led me to run in the first place? Well I would have to say it was finding out about hidden utility taxes. Former Bremerton city councilman Roy Ruby on and Mr. Robert Parker explained this all to me. In December the budget for 2017 showed 5.5 million dollars being siphoned off the utilities and into the general fund. This action submitted the idea to run, I watched the incumbent motion or second then vote yes on every bill that dealt with the text of utilities.
As far as how things have been campaigning, I guess great considering this is my first time running for public office. Voters are generally willing to talk and appreciate when you have a dialogue with them. Because of that dialogue I formed a non partisan platform that no one has complained about.
DM: Very important reasons to run this year and congratulations on taking the plunge to represent the people of Bremerton, WA. With that said, what other issues do you consider top priority for the city? What issues are you tackling that other candidates are not addressing?
AM: The other issues that I know haven't been brought up by either opponent is honest governance. I don't like hidden agendas when I comes to the services that the public pays for. That even goes into unreasonable justifications for spending.
I want to help develop means of repairing the decaying infrastructure that doesn't revolve around the current crisis management of waiting until there is Grant money.
There is a dire need of a hospital in Bremerton with the CHI Franciscans but our of Harrison Hospital. I want to work with the council, the mayor and the elected officials of the 23rd and 26th LD to get a second provider in the county to compete with CHI.
Because of the rising homeless and low income population there has been concern about Bremerton housing authority and Kitsap housing authority practices of not ensuring vouchers not staying in their immediate area. We need to ensure that our local funds stay local.
DM: Transparency is always a refreshing welcome in politics. Holding true to that; what are your plans on working with your peers on the council and the mayor? There is a lot of work to be completed in Bremerton.
AM: David I am a USN Veteran, I took an oath twice in my career with the Navy. City council is no different; there is an oath to uphold and defend the BMC (Bremerton Municipal Code), the RCW's, WAC, USC and the Constitution of the State and USA. I plan to work with my peers while best representing my voters within the scope of those laws, I plan to hold them accountable to their oaths as they should with me. This is part of the reason I call myself the Voice of Reason, If the voters or the fellow members don't particularly like a law, I am willing to help guide them in the right direction to get in contact with those who can change the law, such as State Legislators or Representative Derek Kilmer, Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell. And with transparency I am ready to talk to voters on any vote I cast; I actually encourage the criticism that comes with the position.
DM: If you could tell existing council one thing right now for them to hear about your ideas, what would your message be?
AM: I have already started building a report with sitting council members who are not at risk of losing their seats, or not up for election. They know where I stand already on most things. The most important item is if they can not bring an ordinance change to the utilities on their own, be prepared for a voter initiative that I fully support coming down the road to change the utilities taxes and funding that they cannot control.
DM: How can citizens contribute towards your campaign? Are you accepting donations or volunteers for your campaign? If so how would they be able to contact you? What social media sites and or websites can you provide for us here?
AM: Citizens can contribute towards the campaign by cash or PayPal. I accept any volunteers I can get. Tiffany Diaz De Leon, Mark Kibler and Alex Williams have all volunteered time to help doorbell and banner wave. To sign up to volunteer follow the link to the campaign website; Also there is a Facebook page that you can follow at There you can find my events message to volunteer, and donate. Finally if you go to PayPal and select to send money, use the email address
DM: Mr. Mathews, this has been a pleasure and glad we were able to cover so much detail about your campaign and issues you will be addressing as Bremerton City Council member. Are there any other thoughts or points you would like to leave with those who are watching? You have the floor.
AM: David thank you for the time to speak. I am grateful for the support the Kitsap LP had afford me by endorsement, donations and volunteers. As we get closer to primary date I'll be picking it into high gear to ensure that I am the Voice of District 1 and the Voice of Reason at the Dias. Thank you again and continue the great work with LCI.
This contribution is from Seattle-based independent journalist, David Malekar, Editor in Chief for the Liberty Chronicle Independent; and publishes content to other online publications.