Monday, May 15, 2017

Mega-Coverage of Saving Seattle on May Day 5.1.2017 - Pro-Liberty Groups Stand up to Antifa (Exclusive Interviews and Video)

"May Day" in Seattle, WA on May 1st, 2017
"May Day" in Seattle, WA on May 1st, 2017
 While this article might be coming out two weeks after the events of "May Day" in Seattle on May 1st, 2017, this certainly will have the most coverage from the Westlake Park area where the "Patriot Prayer" group held a meet-up that brought in over 150 Conservatives, President Trump supporters, Independents, Libertarians, Anarchists and other ideologies outside of the "left" spectrum.

Facebook Event "Stand Against Communism" link:
Patriot Prayer Facebook Page:

Seattle Police Department were prepared for the worst on "May Day" in Seattle 5/1/2017
Seattle Police Department were prepared for the worst on "May Day" in Seattle 5/1/2017
The following video is the opening words at the Westlake Park meetup.  The focus of the day was to be peaceful, stand for all of the Amendments (especially the 1st Amendment) and to let the community know they are here.

This video was originally broadcasted live on Facebook:

Beginning video clip provided by Alex Love.

"Conservative" Meetup Opening at Westlake Park in Seattle on May Day 5.1.2017 

Many have claimed that the conservative group that organized the Westlake Park meeting and march in Seattle, may have "saved Seattle."

We asked Patriot Prayer for a comment on the day and they replied that "people should keep an eye on Patriot Prayer if they want to get involved in future events."

Many turned out for the Seattle "May Day" event on 5/1/2017

Many turned out for the Seattle "May Day" event on 5/1/2017
Many turned out for the Seattle "May Day" event on 5/1/2017
Rosario Sicario, an attendee of the event and LCI Independent Contributor had the following to say:
"We won, it was a great victory for the Right. We showed that the disorder and violence is on the Left. I'm proud to be a part of this movement and LCI."
Other LCI Independent Contributors Cody Rose, Alex Love, and Avery Hufford were at the event providing security and event coverage.  Their service was appreciated on that day.

A participant shows his "Kekistan" Flag in Seattle's "May Day" event
A participant shows his "Kekistan" Flag in Seattle's "May Day" event

The following is footage of Antifa refusing to do an open interview after one of their members ordered the group to leave the area.  There was at least 3 members that were willing to talk.  A missed opportunity by the group to receive media exposure from an outlet that would have given them free reign to speak. 

 Antifa turns down free, uncensored media coverage - "May Day" Seattle 5/1/2017

Anon and Tyler speak on their thoughts about "May Day" in Seattle and discuss recent events, such as Berkeley that Tyler was able to attend.

Anon and Tyler speak with LCI about Seattle "May Day" 5/1/2017 

John Beavers speaks with LCI about his encounters at Berkeley recently where he was one of the first injured.  He shares his thoughts on why Antifa possibly are doing what they are doing and advises people to stick together.

John Beavers speaks with LCI, being attacked "The Battle at Berkeley," "May Day" in Seattle 5/1/2017

The following video is the first of two marches completed on "May Day" 5/1/2017 and is one of the actions by the "Conservative" group that many are saying "Saved Seattle" from Antifa and other provocateurs causing damage to the city.

This video was originally broadcasted live on Facebook:

We had full footage of the second march, but unfortunately it was lost due to Facebook Live-stream technical difficulties.

"Conservative" March in Downtown Seattle on "May Day" 5.1.2017

After returning to Westlake Park in Seattle after marching through downtown areas; the "Conservative" group were greeted by more Antifa and other protestors that had come from other protests throughout the city.

This video was originally broadcasted live on Facebook:

"Conservatives" and Antifa Meet at Westlake Park in Seattle on May Day 5/1/2017 

The end of the "May Day" "Conservative" meetup/protest ended with a scuffle that resulted in police asking everyone to evacuate the area.

Last Scuffle of "May Day" in Seattle at the Westlake Park Meetup 5.1.2017

Today on May 15th 2017 in an LCI exclusive, we were able to interview Kyle Broussard who was one of the key people during the "May Day" event at Westlake Park.  He helped single-handedly defuse many "conflicts," including the final "scuffle" at Westlake Park that resulted in Police directly stepping in and telling people to leave the area.  In this interview, Kyle talks about his Libertarian views and how we need to come together with open dialog on all sides.

Kyle Broussard was a peacekeeper during Seattle's May Day on 5/1/2017
Kyle Broussard was a peacekeeper during Seattle's May Day on 5/1/2017
LCI Exclusive - Kyle Broussard Talks Seattle's "May Day" and Reflections Two weeks Later 5.15.2017

Closing out this Mega-Coverage of "May Day" in Seattle, we leave you with this clip. Taking over Mainstream Media Narrative, showing Peace and Unity while Protesting Censorship and Supporting our rights with the Amendments.  Make sure to stick around for the ending.

Seattle "May Day" "Conservative March" Takes Over Mainstream Media Narrative 5.1.2017

This contribution is from Seattle-based independent journalist, David Malekar, Editor in Chief for the Liberty Chronicle Independent; and publishes content to other online publications.